May 2013 update

Hello MLMEPOA members and friends and neighbors,

I hope everyone is well and enjoying springtime. We’ve had some snow here the first days of May(!), but we’re certainly happy to have some additional precipitation. Which reminds me that we need to update our well readings for spring:

Please go to the Water Meters tab to enter your meter reading at your next opportunity. Thanks very much – if we don’t get a reading from any of our aug plan users, we have to report “maximum usage” (127,500 gallons) so it is to everyone’s benefit to get the actual usage (usually much less).

Also we’re still encountering some difficulty with our recycling pickup – we may lose our recycling service due to our putting the “wrong stuff” in the recycling bin. The most confusing is probably the “NO CARDBOARD” requirement. It was noted on Sunday morning, 4-28-13, that at least one bag of recycling was in that dumpster untied and recycling was spilling out. Also there was cardboard inside. Both could result in the program being canceled. Be sure that all recyclables are securely tied and no cardboard..

Paperboard, such as cereal & tissue boxes, are acceptable. Paperboard boxes are made up using just a single layer of paperboard. Cardboard boxes are made up of corrugated paperboard which consists of two outer layers of paperboard with an inner layer of paperboard formed into alternating ridges and grooves. Almost all boxes are of the cardboard type, even some small ones – so please examine carefully, and if in doubt, put it in the trash dumpster.

Thanks everyone for your help. Wishing you safe travels to those headed this way for summertime.

-Toby Dunn
MLMEPOA President

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February 2013 Update

I hope everyone is enjoying wintertime! We’ve not had a lot of snow, although a few inches here and there and some cold weather keep it looking like wintertime at least. I wanted to caution everyone about the ice buildup near the lower house and cattle guard, as it is making the road very slick and potentially dangerous. We’re looking for solutions and planning to have at least some additional road material put down to help mitigate the problem, but please be careful when driving! Also some news to report on the truck and plow – we did find a buyer (County of Pueblo) through some helpful contacts of board member Phyllis Ary. A bit melancholy to see the truck leave our premises – special thanks again to our hard-working members who put in so many hours to keep our roads and truck maintained!
Thanks to everyone for sending in water mater readings last fall – we were able to send in our report with only a couple missing. We’ll collect them again this spring around April 15.


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October 2012: Thursday trash pickup

Revised to Thursday as of October 2012 — Hi MLMEPOA neighbors, just a quick update as we are nearing fall and winter 2012. We have moved to once per week trash/recycling pickup on Thursdays (we had pickup twice per week during the summer when more folks are here!) – thanks Paula W. for managing this to help our budget! We’re planning to have the Cordovas do the snowplowing this winter – but please let us know if you are interested in helping manage the roadwork or be part of the road committee. Thanks everyone, enjoy the beautiful autumn!


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Plastic Bags/Recycling (Please bag up materials to put in recycling bin)

Hi again MLMEPOA members, Paula contacted Chaffee County Waste and they did respond that they would like us to bag the recycling materials (although as noted, we aren’t supposed to put plastic bags (grocery bags) in the recycling bin). But please put your recyclable materials into a larger plastic bag for depositing in the bin (as opposed to just putting “loose” recyclables in the bin). Thanks!


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August 2012 Update

Hello MLMEPOA members, friends and neighbors,
Thanks to everyone who made the annual meeting and picnic a success! I wanted to remind everyone about a topic which we discussed at the meeting, regarding our trash/recycling service with Chaffee County Waste. Please DO NOT leave trash bags or anything outside the dumpsters – wind/animals etc. are sure to cause a mess. Likewise, if the dumpsters are too full to close effectively, please wait until the next pickup day to add to the dumpster. And please don’t add large construction material as it takes up most of the room we need to reserve for normal trash usage. Right now we have service on Monday and Thursday (with recycling pickup only on Thursdays).
Also we seem to have lost the “keep lid closed” metal bar on the recycling bin – according to Chaffee County Waste they have already replaced this missing rod and will charge us for replacing it again. Please return it if you have seen it somewhere away from the bin. We have requested these rods to make sure that the wind (or bears and other critters) doesn’t result in open dumpsters and flying trash – usually spread out in the ditches and road (which you might’ve seen before in past years when we didn’t have better precautions!)
Thanks again for your help and patience with this during the busier times this summer.
-Toby Dunn
MLMEPOA President
More info about recycling: – note the restrictions on plastic bags as mentioned at the annual meeting:

  • Aluminum Cans
  • Brown Paper Bags
  • Empty Aerosol cans
  • Glass bottles & jars
  • Junk Mail & Magazine
  • Newspapers
  • Office Paper
  • Paperboard (cereal & tissue boxes)
  • Plastics ( #1-7)  ONLY
  • Tin Cans
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Welcome to the MLMEPOA website!


Hello MLMEPOA members,

We are changing our trash service (as of March 1st 2012) to Chaffee County Waste (  They are a locally owned operator and also offer recycling in a separate bin – check the website for the items they take for recycling.

We’ve had some breakdowns with the plow and truck this winter – thanks to Milo and Gerry we are up and running again, but we had to repair the transmission and this cost > $5k. We’re evaluating our remaining budget for the year (since we have some upcoming expenses for the Waupaca reservoir as well) and we may need to either take out a loan, ask for earlier payment of annual dues, or have a special assessment to cover the shortfall. We are also looking at putting the truck/plow up for sale and using the proceeds toward the plowing/road maintenance. Thanks to the road committee for their work (for many years!) We’ll post more info as we resolve some of these issues,  as well as a newsletter to the members.

Click on the other menus for other documents and information – our 2011 Annual Meeting minutes are available under the “Documents” tab along with other MLMEPOA documents. Let me know if you’d like to add posts to the website and I can add you to the website members list. (Thanks Paula Wilder for the photo on the page header!) Send your email address to Thanks everyone!


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